ChemPro Chemistry Tutor
Quizzes for elements, polyatomic ions, and other topics
Videos and tutorials for help in AP, Honors, and Regular Chemistry
NOTE: Quizzes only 40 elements and 21 polyatomic ions... not quite the same as our list but a good start
Khan Academy
Excellent video tutorials on chemistry topics
Flashcards for Memorization (Element symbols & Polyatomic ions)
ChemPro Chemistry Tutor
Quizzes for elements, polyatomic ions, and other topics
Videos and tutorials for help in AP, Honors, and Regular Chemistry
NOTE: Quizzes only 40 elements and 21 polyatomic ions... not quite the same as our list but a good start
Elements Test 2 "H2"
Quiz for element symbols and names
NOTE: In the options, you can select which elements are quizzed. You can choose 1-92, which will at least exclude elements 93-118 which are not on the list for memorization. But, it will still ask for other elements that are not on the list.

iElement & Ion
Flip cards for element symbols & polyatomic ions
NOTE: Covers all elements instead of the ones on the memorization list. There are additional polyatomic ions as well. For HD, you do NOT need to know cyanate, hydronium, selenate, silicate, thiosulfate, and triiodide.
Elements - Periodic Table Element Quiz
Yet another element symbol game
Oresome Elements (QRC)
Learn element symbols and locations on the periodic table
Mahjong Chemistry
A mahjong game to practice oxidation states & charges of ions
Chemistry Formula Practice
Quiz for polyatomic ions and nomenclature
Also for organic functional groups (AP & Organic only) |
Periodic Tables