NOTE: Many of the links on this page are to the official
AP web site. You must register and login before accessing these pages.
Registration and use is free. Just go to
Only those students who have excelled in 2 years
of chemistry, and have spent an adequate amount of time studying for
the exam over and above the normal AP Chemistry class requirements should
consider taking the exam.
If you used your school email address to sign up for AP Classroom, you will NOT be able to receive emails to reset your password! Log into AP Classroom and change your email to your personal email address.
Why take the AP Chemistry exam?
Students who score a 3 or higher on the exam MAY
receive college credit from a college or university that accept AP credits.
It is a good idea to check with the university the student plans to
attend to see if they will accept AP credits. Some universities
will advise students to take General Chemistry even if they accept the
AP score, especially if the student is planning on a chemistry major,
to reinforce basic concepts.
What is the cost?
The cost of AP exams is about $100 per exam. Some states will subsidize the cost..
When is the test?
In 2022, the test is scheduled for the afternoon of Monday, May 2. (Click here for the dates for all AP subjects' test dates)
How do I see my score?
Login at If you haven't yet created an account, be sure to do so. Scores usually start showing up around the beginning of July.
How should I prepare for the AP Chemistry
First of all, an AP Chemistry study guide is a must.
These are available from many publishers at your local bookstore.
They are usually found in the SAT/ACT prep section. Follow along
in the AP study guide as each unit is presented in class. Waiting
until a few weeks before the exam to start is NOT recommended. Five Steps to a Five is provided along with our textbook. You can access it under Modules in Canvas. Also, AP Classroom has many resources, including practice AP style problems..
Secondly, this web site provides valuable links
to online resources for the exam. Old
AP tests are an excellent study aid. You can find the last several free response portions and a practice multiple choice portion on AP Central, along with scoring guidelines, grader commentary, and sample student responses.
Perhaps the most important thing to review that
is not presented in class is the scoring method. Understanding
what the graders are looking for in a free-response answer is critical
to passing the exam. Several helpful links are provided below.

For AP Scoring Calculators, visit
to Passing the AP Exam
Indiana students Compare to the National Average
Scoring Information
- 1997 to 1999
Scoring Information - 1999 to present
Equation sheet for the Free Response Section
- lastest version (2004)
reduction potential table
Calculator policy
Descriptive Chemistry - Colors
2007 Exam Format Changes
Mr. Jon Bergmann has made AP Chemistry review podcasts!! (for sale)
(Many are also available online at TeacherTube)
You can also find other AP Chemistry review podcasts on iTunes
For more information about testing dates, scoring,
calculator info, and procedures, check out the College
Board AP Chemistry web site. (You will need to create an account
and login first!)
Another good way to prepare for the AP test is to
study with the Chemistry Olympiad tests. They are very similar
to the AP Exam. Information about the Olympiad and last year's
exam can be found here.
Older exams can be found at:
Another great site is:
Many thanks to Dr.
Robinson at Purdue University,
and John Park at ChemTeam
for links and information contained on this web site.