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 Common Elements

Element/Symbol List

Quiz on 1st group will be on _______________________
Quiz on 2nd group will be on ______________________

NOTE: Spelling counts! Capitalization counts on symbols!!!! In a symbol, the first letter is ALWAYS a capital letter. If the symbol has two letters, the second is ALWAYS a lower case letter.

First Quiz:

Hydrogen H
Helium He
Lithium Li
Beryllium Be
Boron B
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Neon Ne
Sodium Na
Magnesium Mg (NOT Manganese!)
Aluminum Al
Silicon Si
Phosphorous P
Sulfur S
Chlorine Cl
Argon Ar
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Scandium Sc
Titanium Ti
Vanadium V
Chromium Cr
Manganese Mn (not Magnesium!)
Iron Fe
Cobalt Co (not CO)
Nickel Ni
Copper Cu
Zinc Zn

Second quiz:

Gallium Ga
Germanium Ge
Arsenic As
Selenium Se
Bromine Br
Krypton Kr
Rubidium Rb
Strontium Sr
Yttrium Y
Zirconium Zr
Palladium Pd
Silver Ag
Cadmium Cd
Tin Sn
Antimony Sb
Tellurium Te
Iodine I
Xenon Xe
Cesium Cs
Barium Ba
Tungsten W
Platinum Pt
Gold Au
Mercury Hg
Thallium Tl
Lead Pb
Bismuth Bi
Radon Rn
Uranium U

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Last updated on December 2, 2003 10:45 AM